TIL: Snowplows Have Names

The title really does say it all. Presumably discontented with the lack of appreciation for hardworking snowplows and snowplow drivers, the Michigan Department of Transportation has launched a new and, if I may say so, brilliant campaign to glorify the humble snowplow. The lumbering craft have now officially, at least in this state, taken their rightful place alongside ships, rockets, and certain magic swords as named allies in their riders’ quest to clear the roads of Michigan.

The new names were nominated by public vote, with more than 15,400 entries, although only about 300 made the final cut. Notably, if Plowy McPlowface was nominated this time around, it didn’t win the day. Yet the names that did win a place at a snowplow’s side are undeniably funny. While I can’t fit all 300 in this article, here are, for a sampling, my personal favorites:

  • Aaron Brr, Sir
  • Baby Snowda
  • Clearing Present Danger
  • Fast and Flurryous
  • The Big LePlowski
  • Snowbegone Kenobi
  • Catch My Drift
  • Blade Runner
  • Ctrl Salt Delete
  • Licensed to Chill
  • Winter Snowdier
  • Mission Implowsible

For all 300 names, see the MDOT website.

Even better, the Department went a step further and launched an interactive map where users can track which snowplows are currently operating in their area. As of the time of this writing, only the preeminent Catch My Drift is out and about, but I think it’s reasonable to say that there would be more excitement on a snowier day.

So the next time you wake up to see snow still thick on the ground, pull up a map to find out who’s already out and hard at work making the roads safe for everyone. You might just see a name you recognize.


Former Editor in Chief of The City Voice, finally graduated City High Middle School as part of the Class of 2022.

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