Writers’ Picks for Spring Break Entertainment

With Spring Break at hand, now is the perfect time to pick up a good book or finally watch the latest season of that show you’ve been meaning to see. If you’re looking for recommendations, be sure to check out writers’ picks for the best entertainment to enjoy this Spring Break.

Devan Varma

The Falcon & The Winter Soldier (If — unlike me — you have Disney+)

Helen Engbers

A movie that the whole family can watch and enjoy is Troop Zero. I love this movie because it appeals to all age groups, this is really good if you are going to be around family for spring break. It is about a young girl and her growing up. She goes through a lot in the movie and is still so happy and positive at the end. This is definitely a funny movie but it will make you cry at times, also very thought-provoking and inspiring to stay positive. I was definitely moved by this movie and I think it was very well written.

Jonathan Hoffman

If you are looking for a bigger commitment this spring break, I would recommend The Marvel Cinematic Universe. There are 23 total movies that are humorous, action packed, and contain thrilling story lines. Every single one is unique in their own way. I have never met a single person that said this franchise is not entertaining (yeah, they’re that good). If you do not want to watch that many movies, I would highly recommend you at least check out some of the best movies in the franchise because they are appealing to everybody.

Krishna Mano

A great movie to help you enjoy Spring Break to the fullest is the ‘Penguins of Madagascar’. Full of comedic and whimsical plot twists, you will find yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions. This movie follows the grand journey of 4 outcast penguins from a community in Antarctica all the way to New York. In their short, cameo appearances in the first Madagascar movie, the penguins portrayed their comedic and strategical outlook to adventures, but this film shows every single aspect of their life from their childhood to their most successful moments.

Maya Oeverman

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue By VE Schwab is a great book to read over Spring Break! It follows the story of Addie LaRue, a girl who made a deal to live forever but cannot be remembered by anyone. The characters are engaging and the plot is fantastic! It hooks you in right away, which is why this book is a great Spring Break read. Add in Schwab’s beautiful writing style and you will not want to put this book down! The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue also explores life and the impact we leave, which has always been more of a spring theme to me.

Megan Vaandrager

Lately, I have been enjoying reading classic books when I have a break and more time to read. I think it is great idea for everyone to be well-versed on the classics, after all, there is a reason they have been popular for so long! Here are a few recommendations if you are just getting started: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell, and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. There are so many other wonderful classics out there though, so don’t be afraid to try something new!

Micaiah Ernsberger

Yes Day! Yes day is a super fun movie that is great for spring break if you need something entertaining, and cheerful. It is light hearted, funny, and it teaches a lesson about what is most important in life. It is a great movie for cuddling up on the couch to, and watching with your family. It is about a family who has a crazy adventure when the mother of the family is determined to show her kids and husband that she can be fun too! It stars Jenifer Garner, Jenna Ortega, Édgar Ramírez, Julian Turner, Everly Carganilla, and the Pop Star H.E.R.

Romy Mckellar

I would say watch Godzilla vs Kong, read the Selection or One of us is Lying, and watch Lost in Space.

Sophia Xu

If you are interested in fantasy books about magic, fairies, and spells, The Cruel Prince is the perfect book to entertain you over spring break. The first of a series, The Cruel Prince features a main character named Jude who must fight against evil in order to protect her home from the chaos of a bloodthirsty new ruler. Ultimately, she must decide to defend either her family or her own happiness and ambitions, as well as whether or not she should create an alliance with her lifelong enemy, Cardan, when his life is put in danger. The Cruel Prince is a true page-turner full of intensity, so I highly recommend it!

Declan Bradley

I personally recommend The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey, a gripping nine book epic that spans nearly four decades and 1300 star systems through the eyes of a dozen interesting, complicated, and deeply human narrators. Speaking as someone who’s read a lot of Sci-Fi, this series is one of the best depictions of what humanity’s not so distant future could look like that I’ve ever read. With the obvious exception of the protomolecule, the ships, stations, and nations that Corey spins out of steel and imagination feel terrifyingly, wondrously real, made all the more so by the coffee-loving antiheroes who bring them to life. The Expanse was also adapted into an ongoing TV show which, dare I say it, might be even better than the books, so whether you want to read or watch this is the perfect world to travel to this spring break.

Vishnu Mano

One of the best books to read this spring break would be “A Short History of Nearly Everything” by Bill Bryson. Featuring explanations on the size of the universe and the development of modern humans, Bryson takes the reader on an adventure starting from the birth of the Universe and traveling through the history of humanity. This book is perfect for entertainment throughout spring break because it presents very intriguing viewpoints on scientific speculations.

Sparsh Aiyar

The Witcher (book) is given no age rating by Amazon, indicating an adult novel. The Witcher series is by far my favorite fantasy series. It’s a novel series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski set in a dark fantasy setting. The story follows the adventures of the famous (infamous) Geralt of Rivia, a renowned monster hunter. He is what is known as a Witcher, and looked down upon by society due to the mutations they must undergo to become competent monster hunters. Along with the books, the Witcher series has also been adapted into a game trilogy, graphic novel series, and Netflix original show. I highly recommend The Witcher if you’re into dark fantasy novels like Game of Thrones or Lord of the rings.

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