Special Edition: Entertainment For IBs, IAs, EEs, APs, and Everything Else

It’s that time of year again: everyone seems to have an abundance of homework, quizzes, tests, projects, IB assessments, AP assessments, and more, including us! So this week we decided to forgo a standard edition in favor of this collection of entertainment that you might find helpful whenever you need a break from studying.

Devan “Kumar” Varma

Read “No Country For Old Men” (adult, Amazon) by Cormac McCarthy. It is one of the greatest books of all time, and certainly one of the best that I have ever read. It’s action packed, the characters are fantastic, there are a bunch of interesting metaphors, and it is extremely well written, so it will be enjoyable to read.

Avi Huntress

Anime!!! I could give an entire LIST of great animes, but I’ll just give seven (these are not in order): Sword Art Online (PG-13), Bungou Stray Dogs (TV-14), Haikyuu!! (TV-14), SK8 the Infinity (no US rating found), Yuri!!! on ice (PG-13), Given (no US rating found), Spirited Away (PG).

Helen Engbers

My family is watching Modern Family (TV-PG) and it is so funny and sweet. It is a little bit of an older series but it is great for taking your mind off some stressful work.

Krishna Mano

As our busiest weeks of the school year is popping around the corner, a book to help you relax before all the exams and tests is ‘Liar & Spy’ (ages 8-12, Amazon) by Rebecca Stead. With plot twists, comedy, and friendships, this book has it all and would be a great source of enjoyment. Good luck with your exams and I hope you enjoy this book!

Maya Oeverman

A new book series I have been enjoying is Ranger’s Apprentice (ages 10-12, Amazon) by John Flanagan. It is a fast paced, classic fantasy story about a boy named Will training to join the Ranger Core. Plus it is a 13 book series so there is plenty of material to last you through whatever school is throwing at you.

Micaiah Lane

I know this sounds cheesy, but Stranger Things (TV-14). Most people have probably already watched it, but it takes you into a different world, into a wonderful, mystical, fantasy world. For me, Stranger Things lets me take my mind off all the crazy things happening around me, and all the stress in my life, and lets me watch all the crazy things and all the stress in other people’s lives. (Even if it’s fake) It lets me calm down, and have fun in a jumpy way.

Romy McKellar

Watch: Mitchells vs. Machines (PG). If you liked the Into the Spiderverse movie, the animators created this hilarious movie too! I liked it because the animation was really cool and I think someone from Gen Z wrote it because it has lots of our sense of humor in it. Read: The 5th Wave (14+, Amazon). Such a great book. You may have watched the movie, so go read the book too!

Sebastian Padilla

Listen to a podcast of any kind. They’re strangely relaxing.

Sophia Xu

A movie I recommend is Ponyo (G) by Studio Ghibli. It follows the magical adventures of a fish-turned-human, and the animation and plot overall are quite enjoyable and entertaining.

Sparsh Aiyar

A Silent Voice (rating not found). I’m really into anime and one of my favorite anime movies that have stayed with me and really moved me emotionally is A Silent Voice. Even if you aren’t into anime or entertainment like that, I still suggest that you watch it since it’s just such an emotionally touching experience.

Vishnu Mano

During exam season, I usually try to stay away from tv shows and movies because they keep me distracted. Exercise and going outside is a valuable form of entertainment amidst exams. Working out can help you take your mind off school work and going outside can help clear your mind before a long study session.

Declan Bradley

Personally I always like to return to The Found and The Lost (adult) or The Unreal and The Real (adult), the short story collections of Ursula Le Guin. They’re fascinating, enchanting, and best of all made up of a series of disconnected, complete, stories short enough that none of them will distract you from studying for too long.

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