Announcing the City Voice Art Contest Winner

There is no doubt about it. The winner for the month of October’s art contest is…


October was the first month of our monthly art contest, and the theme was nature. Whatever it was, it was 100% open to interpretation, and we got some great entries! In first place, we have the piece titled “Ovenbird + Jewelweed” with 17 votes from its peers, and the runner up was “Ghostys”, with 11 votes!

Finally, our honorable mentions, “Space is an Ocean” and “Four Seasons”, are tied.  Congratulations to everyone who entered in the first contest. The theme for November will be announced shortly!

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Photo contest ist over
Photo contest ist over

Writer at The City Voice

Hi! I am Micaiah and I am a Freshman here at City. This is My 3rd your at City and I am passionate about writing, singing, painting, and animals. Anything fluffy or furry is my best friend!

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