Bernie Sanders Suspends His Presidential Campaign

After a long race, early on Wednesday afternoon Bernie Sanders officially suspended his Presidential campaign. In a YouTube livestream, Sanders told supporters to continue “the struggle” in support of the campaign’s ideals. In addition, Sanders emphasized that his supporters can continue fighting for the ideas of his campaign without him as President, using the hashtag “NotMeUs”. The decision, while surprising, is not totally unexpected. Over the past few weeks Sanders’ campaign had declined and dropped below his levels of success in 2016. Despite the campaign suspension, Sanders will still attempt to collect delegates in order to exert influence over the Democratic National Convention.

With Sanders out of the race, Democrat Joe Biden and Republican incumbent Donald Trump are the only remaining Presidential candidates. That means that they will be the only two options available to voters when the general election arrives, whenever that happens. The coronavirus pandemic has already delayed elections across the nation, although voters in Wisconsin still went to the polls despite controversy.



Former Editor in Chief of The City Voice, finally graduated City High Middle School as part of the Class of 2022.